ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts Projects

International Master Classes

Some of the members are already providing Master Classes for international and local students and performing arts professionals, for instance as Summer Academies. The format may look like this: a member provides space for Master Classes and invites experts to teach during a week. The member of the Network announces this for the students and professionals of his country but may also make an open call so that international students and professionals can participate. The students and professionals pay for the Master Class – which in turn funds the expert. As an example, the expert educator may cover subjects such as voice, Kabuki, Butoh, No, Gagaku, physical theatre, etc. The Master Class may be announced on the website of the member, the Network website, ITI, Facebook, etc.

Responsible for Coordination and Promotion:

Tobias BIANCONE, CHEN Zhongwen, ITI/UNESCO Secretariat

