If your institution involves in research and/or higher education teachings in the Performing Arts then the ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts may well be the ideal body for you to join.
Please take a look in the following requirements:
- The applicant institution should read and approve the Charter of the ITI/UNESCO Network.
- The ITI/UNESCO Network particularly welcomes institutions promoting the complementarity of intellectual and artistic works.
- The Network is project-based. A concrete proposal to take part in an existing Project Group, to develop a new project, to bring new impulse into the Network, or to organize an international event is particularly appreciated.
- A recommendation from a member of the ITI/UNESCO Network or the International Theatre Institute (ITI) is welcome but no longer mandatory.
For further information, please write to the Network Secretariat: secretariat(at)iti-unesco-network.org
You may have further advice and your questions will be answered by the Secretariat of the Network.
For the application, you need to fill out the Application Form of the Network.
>>To download it, please click here.