Cheongju University | Republic of Korea

Performance: Desire


The production DESIRE is a story about “a home of mind”. It portrays how the modern people destroy their families and as a result lose their love and their home of human nature. A woman, who lost her identity due to her husband`s betrayal but never forgets her love for her husband, ends up killing her child. It is about the woman suffers from guilt and a motherhood for her child she killed.
It is a drama of reconciliation and forgiveness, in which revenge by treachery by the husband endlessly leads to one’s own tragedy and finally comes to realize it while wandering around the soul world after committing suicide.
The two minds of this women are expressed in movements, music, costume and lighting.

Date 16 July Thursday, 19:30 Seoul Time (UTC+9)

Website With Lightbox

Performance Length 50 min.

Cast Member List:

Director: Ha Kyounghwa

Acting Director: Jung Mi Seok

Performers: Park Jiwon / Ha Taehee / Kwon Bobae

Dramaturge: Kim Hyejoo

Production Director: Eo Il Seon

Sound Live: Choi Moonhee

Video Director: Kim Seok-beom

Production Director: Jung Mi-sook

Artistic Director: Yang Ki-chan

After-Show Discussion

Cheongju University | Republic of Korea

The Theater and Film Department, which has produced numerous talented people since its establishment in 1981, was reorganized into the acting major of the Theater and Film Department, aiming to foster actors who play in various genres, including plays, movies, broadcasting and musicals, through the establishment of a differentiated acting education system in 2019.
Since the establishment of the Department of Theater and Film in 1981, the theatre major of Cheongju University has continued its 30-year tradition until today. From 2005, the major was divided into the Major in Theater and the Major in Film within the Department of Performing Arts and Film, and in 2018, was reorganized into the Department of Theater and Film.
The acting major want to lead field-based acting education of an international sense.
It has cultivated outstanding talent by supplementing its professional education system and a field-oriented acting education system, which are not limited to one genre. Every year, various programs are prepared to nurture actors with international capabilities to move on in the world.